PhotoSwipe Setup on jekyll Site

On This Page

Install PhotoSwipe

Set up HTML Markup

You can make each image separate lightbox box or gallery in jekyll. You just have to gallery and children. First thing you have to do in _layout just add main tag or you can use div with id or class.And for image to add you can do that using just markdown in jekyll thats it.

[![Example Image](assets/img-200.jpg)](assets/img-2500.jpg)

The markdown will generate the following html markup , thats what we want.

<a href="assets/img-2500.jpg"><img src="assets/img-200.jpg" alt="Example Image"></a>

Basic JS

Now in your script just change gallery: '#main' according to your layout. To add class you can just put '.main' and for html tag 'main'.

// Include Lightbox 
import PhotoSwipeLightbox from '/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.esm.js';
const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({
  //  select all images in a post or page
  gallery: '#main',
  // Elements within gallery only anchor with img only 
  children: 'a:has(img)',  //avoid other links
  // setup PhotoSwipe Core dynamic import
  pswpModule: () => import('/photoswipe/photoswipe.esm.js')

<script src="//" async></script>
<script src="//" async></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />
  function initPhotoSwipe() {
    let customOptions = {};
    try {
      const data = `{{ site.photo_previewer }}`.replaceAll("=>", ":");
      customOptions = JSON.parse(data);
    } catch (e) {"Invalid custom photo previewer options! " + e.message);
    // Define object and gallery options
    const options = Object.assign(
        gallery: "main",
        children: "",
        photo_scale: 2,
        // dynamic import is not supported in UMD version
        pswpModule: PhotoSwipe,
    const galleryEl = document.querySelector(;
    if (!galleryEl) {
    const imgEls = [];
    const els = galleryEl.querySelectorAll("img:not(.emoji)");
    els.forEach((el) => {
      if (el.src.trim() == "") {
      if (!imgEls.includes(el)) {
    if (imgEls.length === 0) {
    imgEls.forEach((imgEl) => {
      imgEl.outerHTML = `
    <a class="photo-swipe"
      data-pswp-width="${Math.max(imgEl.naturalWidth, imgEl.width) * options.photo_scale
      data-pswp-height="${Math.max(imgEl.naturalHeight, imgEl.height) * options.photo_scale
      data-pswp-caption="${imgEl.getAttribute("caption") || imgEl.alt}"
    // Initialize PhotoSwipe 5
    var lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox(options);
  window.addEventListener("load", initPhotoSwipe);


See the Pen PhotoSwipe basic demo (unpkg) by Mrinal (@mrinalcs) on CodePen.

Or following markdown

![The Starry Night](/assets/img/photoswipe-setup-on-jekyll-site/thumb3.jpg)

The Starry Night

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