Open External Links in New Tab in Jekyll

On This Page

There is already a plugin, but dont work with github pages as it support limited no of plugins. But you can creat a custom plugin to automate.

Jekyll Target Blank

When Add ref and target=”_blank” Attributes

External Links: Add attributes to links that lead to external websites or domains not controlled by your Jekyll site.


<a href="">Example</a>

After modification:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Example</a>

This enhance User Experience by opening external links in new tabs, preventing users from navigating away from your site unintentionally.

When Not to Add ref and target=”_blank” Attributes

Internal Links: Links within your own site’s domain or subdomains.

[Section 1](#section-1)
[Contact Us](
[Localhost About](http://localhost:4000/about)
[Call Us](tel:+1234567890)
<!-- After modification: -->
<a href="/about">About</a>
<a href="#section-1">Section 1</a>
<a href="">Contact Us</a>
<a href="http://localhost:4000/about">Localhost About</a>
<a href="tel:+1234567890">Call Us</a>

Creating a Custom Plugin

To automate opening external links in a new tab, you can make a custom plugin. Here’s a simplified approach:

Create a Plugin File: In your Jekyll project, create a new file, e.g., external_links.rb inside _plugins folder.

[:documents, :pages].each do |hook|
  Jekyll::Hooks.register hook, :post_render do |item|
    if item.output_ext == ".html"
      content = item.output
      site_url =['url']
      # Add rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" to external anchor tags and ref parameter
                    "<a href=\"\\1?ref=#{site_url.gsub('https://', '')}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\"")
      # Update the item content
      item.output = content

The [:documents, :pages].each do |hook| line iterates over an array containing :documents and :pages. This suggests it’s registering a hook for both Jekyll documents and pages.

content.gsub!(%r{<a\s+href="((?!mailto:|tel:|#{Regexp.escape(site_url)}|http://localhost:4000|/|#)[^"]+)"(?![^>]*rel=): Uses a regex to identify external links (not mailto, tel, internal links, or anchors) and adds rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" attributes. It also appends a ref parameter with a simplified site URL.

Whitelisting domains

You may want to whitelist some domains. The whitelist array contains domains that should be excluded from having the rel attributes added. This ensures that trusted domains or local links do not have unnecessary attributes.

[:documents, :pages].each do |hook|
  Jekyll::Hooks.register hook, :post_render do |item|
    if item.output_ext == ".html"
      content = item.output
      site_url =['url']
      whitelist = ['', '', 'localhost', 'mailto:', 'tel:']  # whitelist domains
      # Add rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" to external anchor tags and ref parameter
      content.gsub!(%r{<a\s+href="((?!#{ { |d| Regexp.escape(d) }.join('|')})[^"]+)"(?![^>]*rel=)}, 
                    "<a href=\"\\1?ref=#{site_url.gsub('https://', '')}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\"")
      # Update the item content
      item.output = content

This script is a comprehensive customization for Jekyll, enhancing HTML output by adjusting paths, modifying external link behavior, transforming specific HTML patterns, and cleaning up markup. It’s designed to be used within a Jekyll plugin or configuration file to automate these modifications across documents and pages during the rendering process. Adjustments like these can help maintain consistency and enhance functionality across a Jekyll-powered website.

Optionly you can do using JavaScript Open External Links in New Tab

Thats all

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