LaTeX in R Markdown

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R Markdown is a powerful tool for creating reports and presentations, but it can be used to get LaTeX output. It can generate .html .docx .pdf from RMarkdown file.


R Markdown utilise MikTex, tinytex etc. to generate pdf output. To use LaTeX in R Markdown, you’ll need to install the following packages:

Now File > New File > RMarkdown creat a markdown file. Remeber it will creat outputs in same folder you saved the .Rmd file.

Now this will creat a bolder plate for you. Remove all just keep frontmatter part and write your document.

title: "My New Document"
author: "Mrinal Chandra Sarkar"
date: "2024-06-30"
output: pdf_document


## Introduction
The binomial distribution is a fundamental concept in probability theory and statistics. It describes the number of successes in a fixed number of independent trials, each with a constant probability of success.
Mathematical Formulation
Let $X$ be the number of successes in $n$ trials, with probability of success $p$ in each trial. The probability mass function (PMF) of the binomial distribution is given by:
$$f(x) = P(X = x) = \binom{n}{x} p^x (1-p)^{n-x}$$
where $\binom{n}{x}$ is the binomial coefficient.
## Properties

-   Mean: $E(X) = np$
-   Variance: $Var(X) = np(1-p)$
-   Standard Deviation: $\sigma = \sqrt{np(1-p)}$
## Applications
The binomial distribution has numerous applications in various fields, including:

-   Finance: modeling stock prices, risk management
-   Biology: modeling population growth, genetics
-   Medicine: modeling disease prevalence, treatment outcomes


r markdown pdf output
sample R Markdown pdf output sample

Thats it write latex as use syntax $ \( and $$ \[ for inline and block math like in mathjax.

Adding Packages

You can enhance LaTeX’s capabilities by including additional packages. To add a package, use the header-includes field in the YAML front matter.

title: "My New Document"
author: "Mrinal Chandra Sarkar"
date: "2024-06-30"
output: pdf_document
   - \usepackage{amsmath}

Visual Editor

R Studio has visual editor feature. Its very handy to see output instantly without delay. To use this toogle Source and Visual options.

R Markdown Visual editor for latex syntax for pdf of binomial equation
R Markdown Latex Visual editor

Now you are ready to go .

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