How Auto ARIMA Works in R

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Time series forecasting is a critical skill in the data scientist’s toolkit, and the ARIMA model is one of the most popular methods for this task. The auto.arima() function in R’s forecast package simplifies ARIMA modeling by automating the selection of parameters. Let’s dive into how it works, including how it determines the ARIMA parameters p, q, and d.

What is auto.arima() ?

The auto.arima() function automates the process of selecting the best ARIMA model for a given time series. It evaluates various combinations of ARIMA parameters (p, d, q) and seasonal ARIMA parameters (P, D, Q, m), where:

How Does auto.arima() Determine p, q, and d?

The process for determining these parameters is a mix of statistical testing and heuristic search, outlined as follows:

1. Determining d: The Number of Differences

To determine the number of differences (d), auto.arima():

This ensures that the resulting series has no trends and is ready for ARIMA modeling.

2. Determining p and q: AR and MA Orders

Once the series is differenced, auto.arima() identifies the values for p (autoregressive terms) and q (moving average terms):

3. Seasonal Parameters (P, Q, D)

If seasonal = TRUE, the same logic applies to the seasonal parameters:

Additional Considerations:

What Happens Behind the Scenes?

Here’s how the steps work within the forecast package:

  1. Stationarity Check: Determines d (and optionally D) by applying differencing to achieve stationarity.
  2. Model Search:
    • Computes ACF and PACF to provide initial guesses for p, q, P, and Q.
    • Uses a stepwise algorithm to test combinations of parameters.
    • Evaluates the goodness-of-fit using AIC or BIC.
  3. Parameter Estimation: Once the optimal parameters are identified, the model is fitted using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE).

Example Code in R

Here’s how to use auto.arima() in practice:

# Load the forecast package
# Example time series data
data <- AirPassengers
# Fit an ARIMA model using auto.arima
model <- auto.arima(data, seasonal = TRUE, stepwise = TRUE, trace = TRUE)
# Print the selected model
# Forecast the next 12 months
forecasted <- forecast(model, h = 12)
# Plot the forecast

Advantages of auto.arima()

Limitations of auto.arima()

  1. Heuristic Bias: The stepwise algorithm may not always find the globally optimal model.
  2. Computational Cost: Complete search (stepwise = FALSE) can be slow for large datasets.
  3. Black Box Nature: Abstracts away parameter selection, which may hinder understanding for beginners.


The auto.arima() function is a valuable tool for time series analysis, automating the process of ARIMA modeling. By using statistical tests, heuristic searches, and AIC/BIC optimization, it efficiently determines the best-fit parameters (p, q, d) for your data. While not without limitations, its ease of use makes it a favorite among practitioners.

Happy forecasting!

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