Automatically Add Height and Width to Images in Jekyll

On This Page

Properly adding images height and width on your website can improve performance and ensure layout stability. Jekyll don’t add height and width attributes to images by default. So here how it can be done.

Manually Adding Image Dimensions

Directly specify the dimensions in markdown or HTML files. But its not a good idea as you have to add manually to every image.

![Description](/path/to/image.jpg){:width="600" height="400"}
<img src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt="Description" width="600" height="400">

Automating with Plugin

The plugin automatically scans your Jekyll site for <img> tags which don’t have width and height attributes, calculates the image dimensions using the FastImage gem, and inserts these attributes directly into the HTML during site generation.

Create _plugins/add-image-dimension.rb , add FastImage gem to your project’s Gemfile and install it.

require 'fastimage'
# Register hooks for documents and pages in Jekyll
[:documents, :pages].each do |hook|
  Jekyll::Hooks.register hook, :post_render do |item|
    # Check if the output is an HTML file
    if item.output_ext == ".html"
      site_source =
      content = item.output
      # Find all <img> tags missing width and height attributes
      content.gsub!(%r{<img\s+([^>]*?)src="([^"]+)"(?![^>]*(?:width|height))([^>]*?)>}i) do |match|
        # Capture the tag attributes and the image source
        attributes_before = Regexp.last_match(1).to_s.strip
        src = Regexp.last_match(2).to_s.strip
        attributes_after = Regexp.last_match(3).to_s.strip
        # Determine the full path of the image
        image_path = File.join(site_source, src)
        unless File.exist?(image_path)
          # If the image doesn't exist in the source folder, check the post files
          post_file = { |f| f.is_a?(Jekyll::PostFiles::PostFile) && f.destination("").end_with?(src) }
          image_path = post_file.path if post_file
        if File.exist?(image_path)
          # Get image dimensions using the FastImage gem
          dimensions = FastImage.size(image_path)
          if dimensions
            width, height = dimensions
            # Add width and height attributes to the <img> tag
            %(<img #{attributes_before} src="#{src}" width="#{width}" height="#{height}" #{attributes_after}>)
            match # Keep the original tag if dimensions can't be determined
          match # Keep the original tag if the file doesn't exist
      # Update the content with the modified HTML
      item.output = content

This is ideal to fully automate image height width attribute, reducing manual overhead. However, note that build times may increase if site has a large number of images, as the plugin needs to check the size of each image during the build.

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